Keep you with me, in my heart

Keep you with me, in my heart
you make it easier when life gets hard

Saturday, May 16, 2009

2. Do something different to recover creativity
23. Get inspiration from the work of other photographers
24. Criticize honestly but respectfully
25. Get feedback from your lady

haha photography lessons.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Let's try to make this right :)

There are a substantial amount of krazy talented people at ucla. it's kinda scary... not to say I had no idea before~Just didn't know how talent people our age could be! 

I decided to start blogging, twittering, tumbir-ing tonight. why the sudden inspiration? I have to confess it has to do with my obsession - something my roommate has pointed it out to me while overhearing me comparing myself with EVERY human being on earth- I have this insatiable desire to try everything and right now I want to STICK with something that I will be proud of because I tried, and it works. I want to find something that makes me proud. Of course, the key is that "I" have to put in the efforts first to make myself proud.
. Friends who say yes (life is so much more fun when you are surrounded by people who are down to just do whatever).

to be cont'd..
I really feel the same way "I dislike and like this impulsive side of me; at times I feel like it is something that makes me who I am. You know, the part of me that makes people go, “What the fck? Is that kid on drugs?” I don’t particularly mind being called odd, weird, or my favorite, abnormal. Simultaneously, I can’t help but confuse everyone, especially myself. "
Something that I wish I had written:
"The effing weather has been effing spectacular lately. Sunny blue skies, check. Green grass, minimal allergies, check. Cool breeze, check. How fortunate we are to live in such a amicable place where I can spend most of my days just idling in the grass or wandering around late at night, jacketless but warmed by the night air. It’s wonderful, really.
Life is not as rewarding and definitely not as amusing without having something or someone to be animated about."